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Category Archives: Brazilian Cosmetics

Natura Tododia Verão – Summer time with Natura Everyday Summer Line

This summer, Natura’s motto for their Everyday summer line is: “Discover poetry in your routine.”
Discover poetry in your everyday life this summer with the new fragrances of Everyday [TodoDia] line of body lotions, moisturizers, bars and liquid soaps and, deodorants Natura is bringing to you.
TodoDia line brings to you the lightness, coolness and, joy of this season with alluring products that replenish your skin with the refreshing sensation and hydration needed to face the challenges of summer. Lime and tangerine are the combination for the cool fragrances of this line besides natural formulas created especially to stimulate, invigorate and, hydrate the skin.

Natura Tododia summer Discover poetry in your routine.

Summer is the routine of joy
The adventurous and inventive routine
Te routine of heat sensation
The routine of coolness all over your body.

O verão é a rotina da alegria
A rotina na invenção é a ousadia
A sensação é a rotina do calor
A rotina do corpo é o frescor.

Natura Tododia Verão. Descubra a poesia na sua rotina.